Senior Quantitative Social Scientist - Wellcome Connecting Science & Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public
Assoc. Prof. of Sociology - Dept. of Sociology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Senior Research Associate - HIVA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Barometer: People with a migration background in the Belgian labor market
This barometer will describe the labor market participation of people without a migration background (whose parents also have no migration background), people of the 2nd generation (of which one or both parents has a migration background) and people who have migrated to Belgium themselves (with a foreign nationality). or who have meanwhile acquired Belgian nationality); and where possible broken down by gender and by region (Brussels Capital Region, Flemish Region, Walloon Region). In addition to differences in labor market participation (employment, unemployment and inactivity), the barometer also aims to map the following differences by gender and migration background. The combination of the above elements is questioned for the entire Belgium in the Labor Force Survey.