Senior Quantitative Social Scientist - Wellcome Connecting Science & Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public
Assoc. Prof. of Sociology - Dept. of Sociology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Senior Research Associate - HIVA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Latest News
Are you interested in the future of #migration to Europe and migration policymaking? Join us at the 'Future of Migration to Europe' conference on 26-27 April! It is a joint conference organised by HumMingBird, FUME, QuantMig.
For more information: Joint Conference
Our chapter in The "Practitioners’ Guide on Harnessing Data Innovation for Migration Policy" by IOM Global Data Institute and BD4M is out and free to download here.
Listen here to my episode of The Woman in Big Data - Brussels Podcast: Data, Humanitarian Aid and Migration:
M -
More than elated to accept the invitation to join the editorial board of Nature Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.
Stay tuned! We are calling for papers for the new Special Issue "New methodological approaches for migration and mobility studies: From traditional to big data" by Frontiers in Human Dynamics. Drop me an email if want to know more.
I'll give a talk on Mixed Blessings: Big Data and Ai for Migration, organised by VAIA - Flanders AI Academy. It's an online event and here is the registration link:
Finally! Join us at our Data Science for Migration and Mobility book launch event. The seminar will start at 5.00 pm and will take place in Seminar Room 1 (ODID, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB). The seminar is preceded by a small reception from 4.30 pm to 5 pm in the hall. Further info and registration:
Looking forward to the forthcoming Migration Dialogue on Gender and academic mobility where I will be part of the discussion with Thais França. Join us on Nov 10th, online, 11-12 (BWT) Registration is
It's an honour to be invited to sit on the Ethical Board of the AI Excellence Centre of the Flemish Employment Agency (VDAB). I'll do my best to contribute to the strategic discussions around the ethical use of AI applications for employment and training.
We all need good news. Our project "Measuring #IrregularMigration and Related Policies (MIrreM)" is granted! I am so much looking forward to working with amazing colleagues from 17 institutes!
I also could not escape the podcast world. Here is my very first podcast with Florian Trainer as a part of the BIRMM Migration Talks. [Click to listen on Spotiify]
Do you work on Big Data and AI applications for migration and mobility studies? We have Call for Papers for 2 special issues:
​"Human Migration and Potential Areas for Combinations of Big Data". Journal of Data Science and Analytics. (Deadline 30 July 2022)
"The Promise and Perils of Big Data and AI for Migration". Social Sciences.
My talk on "Computational Social Science and Interdisciplinary Empirical Research on Migration" at the Bilkent CSS Summit is online:
I am excited to be one of the invited speakers of the Computational Social Sciences Summit on 12 December 2021, by the Bilkent University Social Sciences Research Society. Registration is free but compulsory:
Reaching out to different audiences literally nurtures my knowledge and perspective. I will be talking about “AI, Big Data to Study Migration” with Albert Ali Salah at this amazing event "Realising the Premises of Big Data and AI for Migration" organised by FARI - AI for the Common Good Institute Event on 7 December 2021. For registration:
I have been giving talks on Big Data and AI for migration and here is the first publication on the subject. Glad to share my commentary published by Nature's Humanities & Social Sciences Communications:
You can register for the Workshop: 'Ethics and privacy of big data use for migration research' on 7-8 October, fully online, with no registration fees:
Honoured to give a lecture on "Big Data for Studying Human Migration" as a part of SICSS-Istanbul 2021. For info:
We organise an online workshop on 'Ethics and privacy of big data use for migration research'. The deadline for full paper and extended abstract submission is 10/06/2021. Please spread the news and do join us:
Happy to be a part of WhyR? Turkey seminars. My talk "Kimin için R? (R for whom?)"will be on 17 April 2021, at 11:00. The event is online and free. You can register via
On March 30, at 6pm (CET), I will be a guest of BireBir Webinar series. Four my talk on Big Data and AI for social sciences, you can use the direct link:
It is official now: I am a visiting scholar at the Cambridge University, Dept. of Sociology for the next 6 months. I will mostly work on understanding drivers of highly skilled migration (specifically from Turkey) with Prof. Brendan Burchell.
I am glad to be invited to talk about "Reflections on Gender biased AI" as a part of the Gender, Technology & Law Sessions on Tuesday 23 March 2021, 12:00-13:30 Brussels time. Here is the link for registration:​
I am invited to talk about "What can satellites bring to Social Sciences?" on 19/01/2021 at the Remote Sensing Image Analysis (RSiM) Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technische Universität Berlin.
Our panel “How New is the New Europe: Perspectives on Migration” is accepted and will be featured on the program of the virtual 27th International Conference of Europeanists, to be held on June 21-25, 2021!.
If the pandemic allows, I will be a visiting scholar at Cambridge University, Department of Sociology between March 2021 and August 2021.
It was a great pleasure to talk at the "Use of Technology and Big Data Sources for Migration research" seminar organised by Jean-Monnet Chair of Yasar University (Izmir, Turkey) on 17 December. Several challenging questions by the audience.
Our chapter "How Can Big Data Analytics Help Understanding Migrant Integration?" (with Alina Sirbu and Albert Ali Salah) will be coming out soon in the BD4M Guidebook: Practitioners’ Guide on Harnessing Data Innovation for Migration Policy” by the IOM.
Finally! An article with my former PhD student Ozgun Unver that could not pass through the editors to reviewers 6 times is finally published
HumMingBird project's second expert workshop is almost there and will be entirely online. Having the opportunity to listen to Eleonore Kofman and Douglas Massey is something not to miss. “Mind the Gap: Critical Perspectives on Migration Theories and Data”. HumMingBird Expert Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, December 3-4, 2020.